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  • 189 messages
  • November 17, 2010 01:22
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November 17, 2010 01:22

A short clear explanation of the operation of the system to save new and already active users and administrators a lot of extra work in the future. Consider t as the basis for an accurate and well-arranged catawiki catalogue.

Before you start entering...

To avoid double entry, it is important that you first search the Catawiki Database/Catalogue to see if your model has been entered before.

Scroll to the next post, it tells you how to search smartest and fastest.

Is your model already included? Then simply add it to your collection and Kees is done. Once the item is in your collection, you can do anything with it, such as adding 3 of your own photos. The same goes for adding to your Shop.

Is your model already included? but your model has a different color or different advertising, for example? Then click on 'Copy Item' on the right side of the page and clearly indicate in your new copy what the difference is with the Item you just copied. This can be done with text in the 'Details' field or even better... adding one or more photos is the best way to indicate the difference.

Is your model REALLY untraceable? Then click the blue button on the left side of the page to add a new item to the catalog.

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  • 189 messages
  • January 18, 2012 22:19
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January 18, 2012 22:19

Good to know… and some tips for searching and adding models.

first let me say… One for All and All for One. [ The Three Musketeers ]

A nice fitting statement to indicate that we are all building this database together. Rome wasn't built in a day either, so it takes time, a lot of time. But then you have something. CATAWIKI !!!

- Purchasing catalogs in book form is highly recommended.

For the Matchbox brand there is the Charlie Mack catalog from 2002. This is used by many as a reference to determine the color or wheel variant and what the value is. Given that this catalog is now ten years old, prices will have risen somewhat. And countless new variants have been added. This catalog is a good start to appreciate a collection and look for variants.

Then there is the 'Stannard' Catalog which is hard to find because it is so sought after by collectors.

And the more specialized catalogues, for example of theRegular Wheels 1-75 series , or the Models of Yesteryear classic models.

- Before entering the model, please search first to see if it is already available in the catalogue. This reduces the chance of double entries.

This can be done by brand , type , car brand, you name it… smart search = work quickly.

Once you have arrived at the brand name or type , it is possible to sort by number, year, title, etc. [in the black bar] This creates a clear picture.

Just look at the type ' Superfast ', the [almost] complete series of all models with 'Superfast' mentioned on the base plate [bottom] of the model.

The numbers in the Superfast series start with 'MB' and have an ABCD or E appendix.

This is because most Matchbox catalogs indicate this and thus distinguish it from other series, for example the very popular 'Regular Wheels ' series that has also been introduced as a type.

The serial numbers of the 'Regular Wheels ' are simply 1a, 27b, 30a, 75b etc.

With this I used the Matchbox brand as an example. The same applies to all those other brands, Dinky Toys , Corgi , etc., but with their own number system and name of series.

have fun.

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  • Catalogue administrator
  • 2,415 messages
  • January 19, 2012 12:27
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January 19, 2012 12:27

Hello Geesje,

my real name is Jouke and I collect Dinky toys and other cars from Disney characters. My father collects French Dinky toys and has a very large collection of them and presents them on blue trailers of Dinky toys.

How nice that there is also a bit more activity in this forum! This is also stimulated to be active in CataWiki and to talk about a very nice hobby.

I limit myself mainly to my own expertise (including Disney, Postcards and Plates), but I like to view the messages that collectors of other categories post. You learn a lot from it and can often laugh about it. For fun, check out the Stamps forum.

You know a lot about model cars! Have you considered signing up as an administrator for this section? There are very few administrators left when I looked at it so quickly. As you say yourself: Together we make the Catalog complete and complete.

Finally, I would like to compliment you on your extensive explanation and I enjoyed it very much. I have also posted an explanation a few times in various sections and I argue that each section should have at least a short explanation. That way there is a specified explanation for each section for those who do not understand the general explanation.

Keep it up and I would love to read more from you!

Greetings, Jouke (DisneyMeentwijck)

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  • 189 messages
  • October 26, 2012 15:05
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October 26, 2012 15:05

message moved up.

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