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  • September 12, 2014 18:24
September 12, 2014 18:24


My parents saved the surprises from surprise eggs for years.

And because we were at home with the five of us, that went very hard. Much has already been lost, but also a few nice dolls have been preserved.

I would like to hear if I can make someone happy with it.

Have at least 75 dolls , such as hippos, turtles, crocodiles and penguins. Most of these dolls are at least 20 years old.

But also a bucket full of stuff that has been put together.

I would like to hear how I can contact a collector who are interested in this, because at home they are undervalued and it would be a shame if they still have value for others.

Do not expect much, just want to make someone happy with it and if there is something opposite that is nice.

Thanks in advance, best regards Brigit

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  • 1,110 messages
  • September 12, 2014 20:05
September 12, 2014 20:05

I don't know where they are undervalued land unknown the rest zero zero

but the time for this kind of stuff is over or it is really very rare from the early years smurfs disney and still in top condition with the piece of paper there, etc. the rest has become stuff like telephone cards in Germany, you will be flooded with it at every flea market

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  • Catalogue administrator
  • 2,415 messages
  • September 12, 2014 22:32
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September 12, 2014 22:32

But for kids, I think, still fun to play with. Do pay attention to the age of course, because they are often very small parts that can easily be swallowed!

The Disney surprise eggs are indeed still worth something for collectors, but as you said, only with sample paper there and actually also the yellow egg they were in. That is like collecting the gum pictures. Those comics are only harder to find, because usually people throw them away, so often only available from collectors who have them in duplicate.

Let's hope the collection of surprise egg figures get to a good new owner or owners.

Maybe something for the curio or toy auction? But then in a large quantity. Just don't expect record amounts and it should just fit the other auction items.

but the time for this kind of stuff is up

I just think there are are still collectors clubs, I think there are even several fan clubs / collectors clubs. It was very big in Germany at the time and there are even books about everything that has been published.

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