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  • 1 message
  • August 21, 2014 16:09
August 21, 2014 16:09


I am in possession of the following cans. However, I cannot find the age of these tins anywhere. I also wonder what these are worth.



thanks in advance!


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  • Catalogue manager
  • 8,580 messages
  • August 21, 2014 17:30
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August 21, 2014 17:30


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  • Catalogue administrator
  • 2,413 messages
  • August 21, 2014 22:57
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August 21, 2014 22:57

Hello Karenlau,

the tin of Mignonettes doesn't seem that special to me, nor very old. I think you can even buy it in Belgium and/or France. That would mean that the value of it would get the value that you also pay for it in the store.

The same goes for your Kwatta cocoa tin. Kwatta still exists and is still for sale in Belgian supermarkets. Maybe not your tin anymore, but you still see the tin a lot at collector's fairs and maybe even at flea markets. I think around 12 euros 50.

Furthermore, as an administrator of Cans, I also wanted to say something. When you post something in the CataWiki Catalog, there are a few things to keep in mind. In general, an object should have little or no extra background on the image. Both the Mignonnettes tin and the Kwatta tin show way too much table, when it comes to the tin. It is also important for CataWiki users to enter as much data as possible, such as the dimensions (in the case of cans of great importance) and the content (cocoa).

And now comments on each individual object.

The Kwatta can and actually every can should be photographed upright, as you see a can during normal use. Now every collector and user of CataWiki has to turn his head to see if his gaze looks the same.

With the can of Mignonettes, the first photo is good (except for the too much background), but the third photo is just the same as the second photo, but a little clearer, but not the entire side.

With both tins, the bottom or any mark of who made the tin is nowhere visible. It's usually on the bottom or inside.

As they are now entered, I am considering rejecting the cans, but since you are new I will leave them for a while (not too long) and you can change them yourself.

I have answered you this way so that other can collectors also read the instructions and implement them even better with new cans.

Good luck collecting and selling (or wasn't that the reason you asked for the value).

Administrator CataWiki Cans and Drum Catalog

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