25.526 ausgewählt
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- 1 Tegen 100
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- 100 jarige man die uit het raam klom en verdween, De
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- 100, The
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- 101 Gadgets that changed the world
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- 10cc
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- 11-11-11
- 11.22.63
- 11/9
- 11:11
- 11:14
- 11th Hour, The
- 12
- 12 Angry Men
- 12 Days of Terror
- 12 Dogs of Christmas, The
- 12 Rounds
- 12 Strong
- 12 van Oldenheim, De
- 12 Years a Slave
- 1200°
- 123 Show
- 125 Jaar Carré
- 127 Hours
- 12:01 PM
- 12:08 East of Bucharest
- 13
- 13 Assassins
- 13 dead men
- 13 Frightened Girls
- 13 Ghosts
- 13 Going on 30
- 13 In de oorlog
- 13 Rue Madeleine
- 13 Tzameti
- 13th Child
- 13th Friday, the
- 13th Sign, the
- 13th Warrior, The
- 14 Blades
- 14 Diaries of the Great War
- 14 Kilometros
- 1408
- 1492: Conquest of Paradise
- 14e kippetje, Het
- 15 Minutes
- 15 Storeys High
- 15 To Life
- 16 Blocks
- 16 Years of Alcohol
- 1651 - Blood on our hands
- 17 Again
- 170 Hz
- 1746
- 18 Again
- 18 Karaoke Hits
- 18 Wheels of Justice
- 18-Year-Old Virgin
- 1864
- 187 (One Eight Seven)
- 1900
- 1900 House, The
- 1911 Revolution
- 1917
- 1941
- 1944
- 1945 : Battle behind nazi lines
- 1984
- 1990: The Bronx Warriors
- 1992
- 2 brothers & a bride
- 2 Days in Paris
- 2 Days in the Valley
- 2 Freunde
- 2 G's & A Key
- 2 Guns
- 2 Hommes dans la ville
- 2 Mafkezen in Tirol
- 2 Unlimited
- 2 Voor jou
- 2-Headed Shark Attack
- 20 30 40
- 20 Centimeters
- 20 Chicks & 40 Tits
- 20 Funerals
- 20 Million Miles to Earth
- 20,000 Days on Earth
- 2000 AD
- 2000 Maniacs
- 20000 Meilen unter dem Meer
- 2001 Maniacs
- 2001-2010
- 2001: A Space Oddyssey
- 2001: A Space Travesty
- 2012
- 2012 - Het jaar nul
- 2012 Ice Age
- 2012: Doomsday
- 2012: Supernova
- 2036 Origin Unknown
- 2046
- 2067
- 21
- 21 Bridges
- 21 Grams
- 21 Hours at Munich
- 21 Jump Street
- 211
- 2267 - L'Ultime Croisade
- 24
- 24 (2001-2010)
- 24 Hour Party People
- 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman
- 24 Hours in the Llife of a Woman
- 24 Hours to Kill
- 24 Legacy
- 24 mesures
- 24th Day, The
- 25 Degrés en hiver
- 25 jaar koningin Juliana
- 25 jaar Marco Borsato
- 250 Classic Goals
- 25th Hour
- 25th Reich, The
- 26 Men
- 27 Dresses
- 27 Missing Kisses
- 28 Days
- 28 Days Later
- 28 Weeks Later
- 2:22
- 2DTV
- 2LDK
- 2Pac
- 3 A.M.
- 3 Baritons, De
- 3 Days of the Condor
- 3 Days to Kill
- 3 DVD Aktie Box
- 3 DVD Urban Box
- 3 Faces of Terror, The
- 3 Godfathers
- 3 Holiday Tails
- 3 Idiots
- 3 In de pan
- 3 Magiërs, De
- 3 Ninjas
- 3 op Reis
- 3 Rooms of Melancholia, The
- 3 Steps Ahead
- 3 Women
- 3 X 3 Eyes
- 30 Days
- 30 Days of Night
- 30 Minuten
- 30 Minutes or Less
- 30 Rock
- 300
- 300 Spartans, The
- 3000 Miles to Graceland
- 31 North 62 East
- 35 Rhums
- 36 Chandelles
- 36 Crazy Fists
- 360
- 39 Steps, The
- 39th Battalion
- 3:10 to Yuma
- 3:10 to Yuma to
- 3:15
- 3JS
- 3rd Hand, The
- 3rd Rock from the Sun
- 4
- 4 Art
- 4 Assassins
- 4 Dogs Playing Poker
- 4 Elements
- 4 for Texas
- 4 Maanden 3 weken en 2 dagen
- 4 Straatmuzikanten
- 40 Days and 40 Nights
- 40 Year-Old Virgin, The
- 400 Days
- 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It, The
- 42k
- 42nd Street
- 44 Inch Chest
- 44 Minutes
- 4400, The
- 47 Meters Down Uncaged
- 47 Ronin
- 48 Hours (Nur 48 Stunden)
- 49th Parallel
- 4th Angel, The
- 4th Floor, The
- 4x Extreme Horror
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- 5 Dollars a Day
- 5 Kids & ik
- 5 Serial Killer Movies in 1 Box
- Nicht ausgefüllt